Altitude Malaysia is totally committed to understanding and meeting the quality needs and expectations of all of our
customers. We affirm this commitment, and have established a comprehensive quality management system. Our
inspection services, their precision and accuracy, the care with which they are conducted and their acceptances by
our customers are the reasons by which Altitude Malaysia has gained an enviable reputation. Our professional
technical service and quality leadership roles are our number one priorities and every member of our staff shares the
responsibility of maintaining and improving our present status. The main aim of our quality policy compliance is to
address :
Integrity Policy
Non-Abuse of Treat
Conflict of interest
Confidentiality of business information
Customer Satisfaction
Meet requirements of interested parties
Anti – Bribery Policy
Compliance With Laws
Charitable contributions and sponsorships
Facilitation payments
Gifts and hospitality
Fair Marketing Policy
Honest and non-deceptive marketing
Professional representation
At Altitude Malaysia, quality is the responsibility of every employee. All employees are also provided adequate
training to meet this responsibility. Meeting this commitment will result in the continued satisfaction of our customers
and an improved quality of life for our employees.
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